A guide for all businesses, providing useful information on international investment and establishing companies abroad.


A comprehensive guide for businesses looking for information and solutions for effective international business operations.
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Optimal planning, sustainable business

Take advantage of GLA knowledge, reach out globally today!

GLA is a useful information platform, providing international business knowledge to support opening foreign companies and operating effectively based on the extensive knowledge, experience and practical experience of GLA experts.

The compass for every business

Guideline for all international businesses

GLA provides a useful information platform, strategic knowledge, practical experience and service solutions in 3 stages before, during, and after opening a company in Asia, America, Canada, and Europe.

Smart comparison tool

Smart comparison tools deliver effective strategies

GLA provides tools to look up information, compare the pros and cons of each country, tax rates, and international banks in just a few seconds, helping businesses come up with accurate strategies and save time.

GLA - International Business Handbook

Accompanying every stage of development

For businesses intending to open a foreign company, GLA Handbook is a platform that provides useful, reliable information, rich in knowledge and international business experience, supporting businesses in preparing to establish a foreign company (Singapore, Hong Kong, USA, Offshore, etc.) until the company is successfully operated and sustainably developed.

GLA - Smart Comparison Tool

Visual data, informed strategy

Businesses look for visual data, comparisons of tax rates, countries, banks, etc. to make strategic decisions before opening a foreign company. The GLA smart comparison tool integrates continuously updated data sources to save time, costs, and human resources, helping business owners make quick, accurate, and effective decisions.

Country Comparison Tool
Business Tax Comparison Tool
International Bank Comparison Tool


Customers using the tool country comparison to get an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of each country you plan to develop international business in.



Trading customers use tools compare tax rates to decide on the strategy of choosing the country to establish the company.

International Bank


Customers using the tool international bank comparison to decide which bank to open a Personal/Business account.

Answering frequently asked questions of Vietnamese Individuals and Businesses

1 What services does GLA provide?

To start the process of establishing a foreign company, businesses need to prepare:

  • Determine the purpose of foreign investment business;
  • Research accounting, tax and banking information and legal procedures for countries considering opening a foreign company;
  • Determine the country chosen to establish a foreign company;
  • Prepare documents to establish a foreign company.

The GLA handbook and comparison tool will provide knowledge to help businesses have an overview and make accurate and quick decisions. GLA's team of experts will assist businesses in quickly coming up with a strategy for choosing a country and establishing a foreign company that is appropriate and appropriate for the business's foreign business purposes.

background faqs

Contact GLA Expert

Why should you choose GLA as the unit to open a foreign company?

  • Experienced investment support experts with more than 10 years in the market help businesses plan and choose to open a suitable company.
  • Digital technology platform, 100% online process, helps save costs in opening and operating a company
  • Optimal financial, tax and accounting solutions, updated with world trends, reputable and secure

GLA offers superior and cost-optimized solutions for opening foreign companies, accounting taxes, and opening bank accounts!

Make an appointment to talk with an Expert